Hello there, I'm Jemima Abu

Welcome To My FreeCodeCamp Portfolio Page


Jemima Abu is a Front End Developer based in Lagos, Nigeria. She develops interesting, accessible and responsive websites using HTML and CSS.

She is an avid advocate for diversity and intersectionality in technology. She regularly volunteers at organizations geared towards the increment of minorities in the techspace. She also teaches web development classes for various boot camps at intervals throughout the year.

She is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Systems Engineering from the University of Lagos, Nigeria and she works remotely as a Front End Developer at Sumosoft, UK.

Her previous job experiences include art teacher, yoga instructor, ballet teacher, furniture salesperson and a few other oddities. She's also a huge nerd, slightly obsessed with cats and she can usually be found on her laptop coding or watching slice-of-life anime.

This is also the third (and worst - she can do better than this, honest) portfolio site she's built because she decided to go get certificated so here's to doing that.

